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Italian solid-plastic


quite a typical instrument of the Italian style during the period between 1962 and '64: plexi and plastic were the prefered materials of that peroid. The absence of wood is it's most significant value. The coating is completely fitting without injuries or bubbles even more than 40 years after production, which means the Italians used a more perfected technique than their German collegues from Klira, Framus or Höfner. The neck is not srewed as often to be seen in this period. Bartolini came up with excellent pickups later on, unfortunately no wink of this knowledge used when producing this guitar: the neck pickup is quite a muffy and flat sounding type, the bridge pickup manages to come up with a more biting character.

more of part 1... part 2... part 3... part 4... part 5...

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project started Juli 1997 on an Atari TT030, Frames added at April '98
multi-language-support added July 2004
latest editional change: 02-2008: lots of pictures added,
last technical changes: 03-2008 MSIE 6.0-Error fixed (text was rendered in vertical column)
02-2008 all details-pages integrated subnavigation to page top, some errors erased (e.g. Gittlerlist, Firefox Galery-Error), new Dynacord Cora-list
11-2006 php variables, preparations for standalone publishing, subdomain setup
2006-11-19: frames gone again :), Quick Finder works